November 2015: Crimping Your Paper in Different Ways

With this being the beginning of the Holidays and I know all will be busy with the different Holidays, I’m going to make November and December Technique Challenge pretty simple and not very time-consuming.

Now many of you who have been stamping for years went out and purchased the old Crimper that looks similar to these.  They are still selling them in the stores today:


For those who haven’t been stamping long, these were used before the invention of the embossing folder.  The only style they had was the straight Crimper – meaning it just made an accordion-look on your paper.  Here is an example of a beautiful Red/Black/Gold Mingle card that Wendy A. made back in 2009:

Wendy A 2009 Red-Black-Gold card


The circle and the black piece have been crimped with the Crimper.  That Crimper can create some beautiful backgrounds for your central image either using it the way Wendy did on her card or by taking a piece of card stock, folding in the 4 corners to the center and then running it through the Crimper.  You can create a pattern like this:


So our Technique Challenge this month is to drag out that Crimper and try folding your paper in different ways to make a background layer to go on your card. And remember, you must have something Asian on it.

Don’t have a Crimper?  No problem, just fold up your card stock and fold it back and forth, accordion-style to create the same idea.

Need some ideas?  Here are some videos:

Click here: “How to Use a Paper Crimper” from @ lainehmann of – YouTube
 Here’s a video for those who don’t have a Crimper:

Now have fun with this Technique for the month.


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